Гид по кодекам
Гид 1 Комментарии: 0

Гид по кодекам

Дата: 01.04.2015 23:28
статья пока не вызвала эмоций
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Миссия 1

В начале, на пляже

B: Control its Raiden, Im on the ground.

B: There is always a chance the MQ was spotted

B: Raiden, we are clear on the rules of engagement, yes?

B: Youre familiar with your new body now, yes?

K: Looks like a warzone out here

K: Kev, lets go over everything we have on Desperado

K: Weve confirmed three key captains in Desperado

C: Howre we doing, Courtney?

C: Raiden, do you need to save?

C: Whats up?

D: Why the suit is unique and torture porn

D: Health-regeneration module being extraneous

D: How is your eye, Raiden?

D: Stay vigilant Raiden

D: You must continue along Raiden.

D: Check your destination on the soliton radar

Уничтожьте все на пляже, используя Blade Mode, чтобы опустошить свой топливный бак

D: Dok, my fuel cells are zapped out

Во время первого боя

B: These cyborgs can cycle between machetes, rifles…

B: It looks like grenades are standard equipment for these cyborgs

B: These cyborgs are seasoned professionals…

B: Self-repair units are housed…

B: Stick to quick slashes when you are surrounded

B: You can also string attacks together to keep your enemies...

B: Hey Boris, about the soliton radar… *

K: Sorry man, but I have to ask…

K: So Raiden, who was this that told you to find your own name

K: Sorry buddy, I got nothing right now

K: Take care of that enemy first, Raiden

K: Don’t panic Raiden. Stay cool, keep focused

C: You okay, Raiden?

D: That armor is made from standard-grade…

D: The last blow in a combination attack or a particularly strong hit…

D: Land a flurry of strikes against a cyborg…

После кат-сцены, которая следует за первым боем

B: Raiden, you’ll need to head inland

После автоматического звонка Бориса, когда вы зайдете в дом

B: The stealth craft made it back…

B: I didnt think flares could still fool anti-air missiles

B: Raiden, what I said…about staying focused on the mission…

B: Raiden, if you ever get lost, use Augment mode to check…

K: Sounds like Nmani was a pretty good leader…

K: Raiden, that saying you like… about your sword being a tool for justice…

K: One thing I can’t stop wondering about, Kev…

K: Raiden, head for the oil refinery

C: No, got something else for me?

C: Need something else?

C: All right, then

D: Doktor, do you have anything more on these cyborgs?

D: Hey Dok, Im curious

D: So, as I was saying, there are many differences between military…

D: Doktor, about my pain threshold…

D: Doktor, about my fuel cells…

После того, как Борис расскажет об Augment Mode и вы увидите гражданского

B: You must aid civilians, Raiden!

K: That civvy needs your help!

C: Come on, come on, save him!

После спасения гражданского

[Я не прошёл ни одной стелс части и не спас ни одного гражданского за своё первое прохождение. Я уверен, что там будет уникальный набор разговоров, если вы спасёте несколько гражданских в течение прохождения.]

После смерти гражданского

B:So you could not save him

B: Boris, whatve we got on that recoil-less…

B: I see you found a grenade**

K: …That sucks

C: Did…did they…

Во время битвы с Gekko

B: So, Raiden, whats your game plan?

K: Got yourself a Gekko problem, huh?

C: Be careful out there Raiden

D: Ah, an IRVING, yes?

D: I imagine you already know this, but the defenses on an IRVING unit…

В следующей части локации с солдатами и патрулирующим Gekko

B: Raiden, what was your strategy for fighting the Gekkos?

D: It is a high-frequency blade, Raiden

Во время битвы с Blade Wolf

B: That thing’s fast

K: I’ve seen a lot of weird stuff

C: Everything okay, Raiden?

D: A most fascinating foe

После того как Blade Wolf вызовет подкрепление во второй раз

B:It called for reinforcements?

После победы над Blade Wolf

B:This…dog UG

B: Didn’t you say you had been here before, Boris?

B: Boris, do we have anything else on Dulzaev?

K: What was up with that wolf-dog UG?

K: One thing I don’t understand, Kev

K: So what about the US and Russia?

K: We always talk about the Montreux Document

C: You know, I almost felt sorry for the little guy

C: Copy that, later then?

C: By the way, Raiden, were not picking up any XIFF codes

D: A most fascinating opponent, wouldn’t you say?

D: Dok, that wolf UG…

D: My apologies, Raiden. I realize we never concluded…

D: Dok, all the UG talk got me thinking

D: One thing about fighting these cyborgs, Doktor…

D: Raiden, something I meant to ask in our last chat…

Во время битвы с вертолётом Hammerhead

B: The Hammerhead missiles have an inertia fuse…

B: The Hammerhead will try and keep its distance…

D: Hammerheads have a nasty habit…

Сразу после победы над Hammerhead

B: Most impressive, Raiden!

B: Raiden, lets recap your route

B: Boris, any idea where they’re getting the money…

B: Raiden, I have been thinking…

K: Hey, Kev—that piece of shit who killed Nmani

K: Kev, you dig up anything more on Jetstream Sam?

C:Hey Courtney, have you ever tried Abkhazian cuisine?

C: How’re things back at control, Courtney?

C: By the way, I picked up something interesting on that tilt-rotor

D: That was a Hammerhead, right?

D: Hey Dok, Kev mentioned a lot of the high-ranking…

D: So Dok, if brain-jacking can access…

D: I have to say, Dok, its almost scary everything nanomachines…

Пройдя немного вперёд и увидите гражданского

D: Allow me to give you a recap of…***

D: Looks like Desperado brought some Sliders

D: With your legs, you can probably reach a Slider…

После получения нового задания “получить ID для ворот”

B:So I get past the gate and into the hotel

K: You’ll need to score an ID if you want to get through that gate

D:The enemy cyborgs ID information…

Когда будете драться с группой врагов после ID ворот

B:These rifles Desperados using…

B: It looks like they have deployed upgraded cyborgs…

D: It appears they have sent in specially-enhanced

После кат-сцены, где вы видели Mistral

B: Boris, I got a visual on Dolzaev and Mistral

B: What do you think Dolzaev and that woman

B: Hey, Boris, um…

K: You get all that, Kev

K: So Kev, what exactly goes on here…

K: Hey Kev, you have anything on that sword

C: Did you catch all that?

C: So Mistrals from Algeria

C; Raiden, what you said before

D: Raiden, the Mistral woman

D: Dok, Im seeing Desperado cyborgs explode

D: Raidem have I told you of the research

После того как Борис сообщит о том, что можно пройти на очистительный завод через забор

B:Good, thats the back of the refinery

B: We got anything on that RAY I went up against

K:Hey, so, uh, Kev, buddy…

K: Raiden, FYI…

K: Where the hell did Desperado get all these cyborgs

K: So what kind of deal does Maverick offer its contractors

K: You still busy with all that other work…

C: Y’know, I have to hand it to you guys

C: Courtney, there’s something

C: Do you and Kevin work together a lot…

D: Raiden, are you fully versed in the features of…

D: There is another school of thought on…

D: Hey, Dok, what can you tell me about the carbon…

После того как Борис предупредит о лазерах

B: So who actually owns this plant?

Во время битвы с Мистрал

B: This weapon of hers has impressive range

K: Raiden, you all right?

C: She’s so cruel, the way she stomps on those Tripods

D: Hmm. So she uses an augmented arm

D: Desperados Tripods look different…

Миссия 2

Как только начнётся миссия

B: How’re things back in Abkhazia?

B: Have you ever worked with this client of ours before?

K: Mistral mentioned someone from her past

K: You know, Ive never really developed a taste

K: Hey, Kev, lemme ask you something…

C: I cant believe Dolzaev blew himself up

C: I…I hope she didnt get to you

C: Say, Raiden, where’d you get that hat

C: By the way, Raiden, have you ever ate…

C: Raiden, can I ask you something…

C: So Coutney, youve heard my story…

C: So how’s it been since you joined Maverick

D: Remember now, Raiden…

D: So Dok, what kind of data can you extract…

D: Perhaps we could chit chat later…

D: So…what is your next move?

W: Uh…Wolf

W: So, you were under Mistrals command

Во время первого боя

B: Ah, the Mastiff

D: Ah, the Mastiff humanoid UG

W: Raiden: Ambulatory unmanned…

W: Your only option is to fight

W: Never let your guard down

После спуска вниз по трубе

W: Are you sure theres a boy down here?

Во время битвы с Raptors

B: That UG is called a Raptor

D: Ah, the Raptor, ja?

D: You will need to damage and weaken…

D: How is Wolf faring?

D: You know, Dok, if you’re such a big believer…

После битвы с Raptors

B: Boris, we’ve got kids…

B: Raiden, I said earlier this is an infiltration mission

K: That kid said he’s from Guyana…

K: Those brains’re from the street kids

C: I cant believe what they’re doing in there

C: By the way, I didn’t know you spoke Spanish

C: You know much about Guyana…

D: Very well done, Raiden

W: Let me ask you something…

После разрезания двух ворот и входа в комнату с 6 VR Миссией и Коробкой

W: It appears you have entered

После того как Wolf скажет, что он нашёл приблизительное местоположение лаборатории

W: This is Raiden. I’m near the target area

После звонка Доктора, в котором он говорит получить DOOMP

D: Have you located any Tripods, Raiden?

W: You have entered the lab?

Во время боя, после кат-сцены где на тебя смотрят все Dwarf Gekko

B: Enough, Raiden.

K: Take care of that enemy first, Raiden

D: Concentrate on the fight now, Raiden

После боя, в следующем коридоре

B: Im worried about the kids

K: Man… I couldn’t imagine

K: You were talking earlier about runaways…

C: I can’t believe there extracting…

D: What do you know about these brain units…

W: So, how much do you know about…

W: So you said it took three years

Во время управления Dwarf Gekko

D: So you want me to remote pilot

D: Dok, the Tripods Mistral hand…

D: So autonomous Gears against remote Gears…

После прохождение вентиляции с помощью Dwarf Gekko

K: You sure have been checking in with Courtney a lot…

Когда вы снова возьмёте управление над Райденом

B: Any idea who the guy in the suit is, Boris?

K: Who’s the guy in the suit

C: Know anything about the guy in the suit?

D: Dok, they’re VR-training those kids brains

W: You ever see the guy in the suit before?

После того как Кортни говорит вам, что не может найти Джорджа

B: Anything on George, yet?

K: Any sign of George?

C: Got anything on George?

W: George is missing

W: Wolf, what is your status?

После сцены, где GRAD стреляет в вас

B: Ah, the Grad, yes?

K: Damn—that things packing some heat

C: You won’t win this battle from long range

D: That is a Grad, a UG developed in the Ukraine

D: You can deflect both the missiles

После того как оттесните GRAD назад и он перевоплотится в двуногого робота

B: Ah, here is where the Grad really shines

B: Just get as close as you can

D: The Grads shield

W: Raiden, are you alright?

После победы над GRAD

B: So World Marshal is backing Desperado

K: What do we know about Armstrong?

C: World Marshal…

D: That UG… made in east?

D: So World Marshal was…

W: Desperados backer has been identified

После автоматического вызова Доктора

W: Any luck finding George?

Миссия 3

После начала миссии

D: I trust you do not mind my telling…

D: I trust you are still not upset…

W: Wolf, Ill handle the police

W: I am setting goal markers

После первых результатов в главе и звонка с Wolf

W: Your earlier actions were reckless

После того как позвонит Борис

B: Boris, I want to check how raising the codec…

B: Boris, you got anything for me?

K: Jesus, Raiden, this is a little over the top.

K So, let me get this straight…

K: So there’s one more of the Winds, right?

K: You okay, buddy?

C: I heard what happened, Raiden…

C: Um…Raiden?

C: So there’s really no legal recourse…

D: So how long can George use that medical body…

После того как Доктор позвонит вам

K: Raiden, how are the MECs?

D: Quick question, Dok.

Когда вы будете сражаться с киборгом с кувалдой

B: Now that is a weapon, eh?!

B: Ah, a cyborg equipped with a Slider?

D: So, we are starting to see cyborgs equipped…

Если вы спасёте гражданского на крыше (используйте EMP гранаты), после того как он поднимется и спрячется за углом. Атакуйте его и разрежьте его одежду

B: Raiden, what are you doing?!

K: Raiden, what the hell, man?!

C: Raiden, what the hell do you call that?!

W: For all his achievements...

После того как Wolf позвонит вам и скажет воспользоваться лифтом

W: Wolf, the elevator is offline.

После рухнувшего лифта

D: How is it going with the brain units…

W: So now what? I can’t see a thing.

После победы над тремя Mastiffs

D: It appears as if they have Dwarf Gekkos on the scene..,

D: The Tripods muscular structure…

W: All right, it’s a bit brighter now****

После того как Wolf скажет вам добраться до поверхности

D: So Dok, what are we gonna do with those brains?

После восстановления контроля над Райденом, после сцены с Wolf

B:Raiden? Raiden, come in!

K: Raiden! You okay?

C: Raiden, are you okay?

C: Raiden…you okay?

D: Dok…what did Sam do to them?

D: Let me ask you something else

W: Raiden – you appear to be suffering

Во время битвы с Monsoon

B: Enough, Raiden

K: Raiden? …You okay?

C: Raiden…are you all right?

D: A truly fascinating cyborg!

D: Fascinating…a cyborg that can separate…

W: Raiden, this is most irregular

Миссия 4

В самом начале миссии

B: Happy, Boris?

B: Raiden, do you know where the brains are located?

K: What do you think about what Monsoon said…

K: Guess all the staff…

K: Sound like Monsoon was a victim…

K: Man, their headquarters are massive

C: Courtney.

C: Crazy to think they’ve been conducting…

D: You track down those brains yet, Dok?

W: Raiden: do you know where the brain units are?

W: Can you tell me more about the learning…

После того как Доктор скажет, что  Sundowner пытался дозвониться до вас

D: So, Dok, what’re we gonna do…

W: We do not yet know the location of…

После начала битвы во время ожидания прибытия лифта

B: Well, Boris, that's Jack.B: Enough, Raiden.

K: You need to keep those guards...

D: The security forces...

W: I will search for...

После того как прибудет лифт, но перед тем как вы взойдёте на него и перед тем как вы получите результаты битвы

B: Raiden, Doktor has finished hacking the elevator

K: Raiden, the elevators ready

C: You okay, Raiden?

D: The elevator is ready

W: Raiden. Doktor has completed his work…

Когда дверь лифта отопрётся

B: You must find the power panels…

K: That’s a pretty weird…

C: Ever eaten Cambodian…

D: Where are these electrical panels?

W: Wolf, what’s your position?

После уничтожения трёх панелей

B: It seems the security measure…

B: That’s some serious security…

D: The system is offline…

После того как Доктор спросит о ваших болевых ингибиторах

B: Keep going, Raiden.

После нажатия на кнопку, чтобы открылась дверь

B: You do not have to fight every enemy…

B: Run, Raiden!

Сразу же после уничтожения GRAD

B: All these Sliders in the area…

D: Looks like Desperado

После звонка Доктора, где он рассказывает об японском саде

B: A Japanese garden?

C: Okay, next time then…

Во время битвы в саду

K: You know

W: Raiden: I have reached the 20th floor…

После разговора с Wolf

B: You are almost at the server room…

K: Gotta be close to the server room now…

W: I have reached the Japanese garden

После битвы с Mistral

D: So those were spare bodies…

После сцены с Sundowner

B: Raiden! Keep after Sundowner!

K: Three hours…

C: Sundowner…just unbelievable…

D: Have you taken the building…

W: Raiden, Sundowner fled from you?

Во время битвы с Sundowner

B: Be careful, Raiden!

K: Raiden, Sundowners in on something…

C: Raiden, are you…

C: Raiden…

D: Ah, two swords and several shields

W: You have engaged Sundowner?

Миссия 5

В начале миссии

B: Raiden…are you…

B: Head back the way you came…

K: You all right, buddy?

K: Damn! Two fighter planes downed!

C: So, uh… you wanna fill…

C: By the way… mind if I ask…

D: Raiden! Are you all right?

D: Where’d you get the EMP, Dok?

D: Everything still okay up there?

W: Are you injured, Raiden?

W: Hey, Wolf, know anybody…

После боя у фонтана

K: You know, it looked like Sundowner was…

K: Army make any moves?

После того как Wolf позвонит вам и скажет, что скоро присоединится к вам

B: Raiden, we have contact.

B: Do you know where he’s…

W: Raiden, I have reached the ground.

Миссия 6

В начале миссии

B: He is a tough one, no doubt.

K: Raiden…You gonna be okay?

C: Be careful, Raiden.

D: With a master of his level…

W: Raiden: A World Marshal…

Миссия 7

В начале миссии

B: This is Boris.

K: Raiden. Our enemy has multiple…

K: So the President’s visit…

K: Hey…uh, Raiden.

K: What do you think President…

K: Armstrong used to play football?

K: You know all the rules of football, Kev?

C: So there’s one thing I still…

D: In Pakistan already!

W: Hey, Wolf…

S: How was the ride?

S: You designed that thing…

S: So what happened with the…

S: So what kind of engine is…

После звонка Кортни

B: Raiden, what is the status…

B: Raiden, there’s no time to worry…

C: So Raiden, let me…

C: I don’t think I’ve asked about…

W: How’s it look…

S: Hey, so how’s Otacon?

S: Hey, Raiden!

S: Raiden, I heard Armstrong’s…

S: Hey, Raiden, there’s been something…


Во время битвы с Excelsus

B: Raiden! That tank…

B: Boris, who leaked those…

B: Start by damaging the legs

K: Raiden! You okay?!

K: You gotta stop that thing, Raiden!

C: You hear that speech…

C: Guess you were right….

D: My, my, a Metal Gear…

D: Multi-leg Metal Gears…

S: Raiden, are you okay?

Во время битвы с Armstrong

- I missed these. Small window of opportunity, do it straight away

Во время второго боя с Armstrong

B: He broke a high-frequency blade…

K: Raiden! You there?

C: Raiden…

D: He… He broke a…

D: Now I am sure of it.

S: Calm down, Raiden.

Во время третьего боя с Armstrong

B: Reinforced anti-shock…

K: Cut ‘im, Raiden!

C: Raiden…There’s no other way.

D: Very interesting.

W: Rai…den…

S: Raiden! Are you all right!

Перевод - Madnfs

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